Sunday 12 April 2009

The trick is...

Kinda the whole point of this is to get myself writing again.  I've been writing off and on, but pretty much on since...well, since I had words.  Admittedly the early works were derivative, 'The Further Adventures of Peter Bunny' leaps to mind and admittedly I was a co-author of that illustrated piece, (acknowledgment to R. Hockey Esq.  Elder sibling).  But it's always been something I've been unable to stop doing.  Mostly...

I have found that in times of stress, depression, melancholy and ennui, the words are either bad, in bad sentences, in bad paragraphs and largely unhelpful for one's state of mind or they've been quiet words, muffled by emotion and a desire to avoid the world and the horse she rode in on.  Last year I was writing a lot, doing a course that actually seemed to be helping me improve and life, as it tends to, interrupted.

So, apart from some writing practice and some journaling, it's been pretty quiet on the creative front and finally, and I mean FINALLY, I'm starting to get that itch again...  No, not the one that needs cream, the one that can only be soothed by stringing words together into other worlds, other lives.  And I have some characters who won't let me go.  Their shadows fall over me every time I turn on the computer and if I listen very carefully, I can hear one of them grinding his teeth impatiently...

I suspect that if I had the balls to turn and look at them, they'd be standing like a storm front at the head of a queue of people who are sick of waiting to have their stories told.  I think I few may be smiling and waving, they haven't been there so long...  But they may be flailing beneath the fists of the others, the smiles just pain clenched teeth.


I'm here, right?  The trick is to get writing.  To keep writing.  And hopefully, through these words, this blog, I'll trick myself into the words before the characters turn on me.

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