Friday 17 April 2009

And so it begins...

Well, this evening could be considered productive: I took a look at the book-that-died and despite the nagging certainty that I'm flogging a dead horse, polishing a turd etc, I can't seem to let it go. I just had too much damn fun writing it in the first place... Besides, I did get 15,000 words into the sequel over a year ago and that one was even more fun to write - that one is love triangles and dead bodies all over the place...

So, for the time being I'll persevere with the re-read and tightening, in the hope that maybe I'll have something ready to go up here within the next month.

You ever have one of those moments when you wonder if you should have done it in first person instead of third? When you hate the start and you know that at some point you thought it kicked ass...

Did some hot-penning too; something that felt like the start of an urban fantasy, about being on automatic pilot and unknowingly walking your way out of this world... I love hot pen exercises, sometimes you just come up with something unexpected that you can craft. However, most of the time it's just wordsmith stretches. Warming the muscles so you don't pull something when the real dance begins. Not sure if it should be called hot-penning when you're on the tweet deck...


TwitterNovel said...

I've definitely been there before -- the "what the hell was I thinking" moment when you look at an older draft of something. I've found it sometimes helps to re-write the first couple of chapters without looking at the old draft, then comparing the two to see which you like better.

Great blog. Keep it rolling!

twistedwitch said...

Thanks TwitterNovel! Anyone reading this who uses Twitter, check out @TwitterNovel, (well. duh...), and admire the stamina, perseverance and talent. tw

Stoo said...

It might be worth putting the rewrite aside for now and concentrating on the sequel. I know I always find rewriting to be a bit more of a chore than the initial rush to get the words on the page. I think you need to re-kindle your love affair with writing by working on something fresh, new and exciting.

Tell you what, I haven't written anything in ages either and I'm coming up in a fortnight. How about we both attempt to do 500 words by then?

twistedwitch said...

Stoo, sounds good, and possibly a target I could hit... Had a strange idea whilst walking back from locking Derek and Susie's chickens in from the fox this evening, and it might fit in with the character based short story collection I wanted to do... Is mermaidness infectious or a curse...

Rad said...

Curse would have more legs. (see what I did there?)

twistedwitch said...

Oh, Rad!

Just in case anyone was wondering what I was listening to, it was All American Rejects - Move Along. But I'm starting to wonder if it's not just the music but also walking at twilight. I always write more in the evenings...